Coming Soon.

SolGames development is currently around 90% complete. However, we have a prototype that is available to Dazed Duck holders.

Collect. Spin. Win!

The first NFT casino game where you collect hero cards, spin the wheel and WIN Solana.

5 Hero Cards

Mystic, Infected, Cyborg, Alien, and Titan. Each hero card grants you to a spin on the prize wheel when you burn it. The more heroes you combine, the greater the number of spins you can earn!

One Dynamic Wheel

As The Prize Pool gets bigger So does the Wheel

Each section represents a particular percentage of the prize pool. As a result of’s contribution of Solana through rev-share and secondary trading royalties, the total value of the wheel goes up. Spin it to win it!

Funded by

& Card Royalties

Mint Details

Ducks Pre-Sale

444 Gems


17th March 2023

Total Sold

Sold Out!

Public Pre-Sale

0.5 Sol


21st March 2023

Total Sold
Pre-Ordered: 0/100

Public Mint

0.75 Sol


To be determined


What is the total supply of each hero?

The supply of each hero are as follows: 

Cyborg: 5000
Mystic: 5000
Infected: 5000
Alien: 5000
Titan: 1000

You’re going to want to try get your hands on a Titan.

21,000 total supply. Why so high?

The Spin Heroes NFT collection operates on a deflationary model, where the supply decreases as players burn their cards to spin the wheel. To extend the longevity of the game, we established an initial supply of 21,000 NFTs.

How do I burn cards for spins?

Once the wheel is launched, players will have the option to choose their preferred heroes for spinning. Each time a hero is selected, it will be sent to a burn address. To earn additional spins, players can combine their cards in the following ratios:

1 card for 1 spin,
2 cards for 3 spins,
3 cards for 5 spins,
4 cards for 10 spins,
and 5 cards for 25 spins.

It is important to note that when combining cards for more spins, each card must belong to a distinct hero, and the combination of different heroes does not affect the total number of spins obtained.

How is the Prize Wheel funded?

3 avenues will fund the prize wheel. First, 20% of mint proceeds will be placed in the pool anticipating the wheel’s launch. Then 80% of all royalties generated on secondary trading and contributions from SolGames revenue.

When will the Prize Wheel and SolGames launch?

The wheel’s development is already underway and is expected to be completed by the end of April. Similarly, SolGames has been in development for over eight months and is also scheduled to be completed around the same time. All gaming licenses have been obtained, and beta testing within the Dazed Ducks community will commence shortly.

Please be advised that the dates mentioned are only estimates and are not guaranteed.

Who is the team behind this?

The same passionate team behind the Dazed Ducks. A group that have stuck through this bear market building away ever since their launch over a year ago. To learn more about them follow the Dazed Ducks on twitter and join the discord.

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